Congregation Sha'arei Zion of Flatbush
3210 Kings Highway
Brooklyn, NY 11234
(718) 338-3545

Schedule of services

Daf 6:00 AM
Shacharis 7:00 am & 8:00 am (15 minutes earlier on Rosh chodesh)
Mincha 10 minutes before sunset
maariv immediately after mincha

daf 7:00 am
shacharis 8:00 am
mincha 10 minutes before sunset
maariv immediately after mincha

daf 8:00 am
Shacharis 9:00 am
mincha at candle lighting
shalosh seudos follows mincha
maariv not before 70 minutes after candle lighting

Sundays 8:30 PM Minchas Chinuch
Mondays 8:30 pm Brochos
Shabbos after services, 15 minute class followed by kiddush
Motzoei Shabbos - Avos U'banim - 30 minutes after maariv

Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, shlita, has been a driving force in this dynamic community for well over three decades.  Under his leadership, the Mosdos Sha'arei Zion has grown from a small outpost in a neighborhood with a tiny frum presence into one of the fastest growing communities in America.  At the core of that success is the community mikveh (, which has allowed frum families to observe taharas hamishpacha within easy walking distance.  The construction of the mikveh was personally supervised by one of the foremost poskim of the prior generation, HaRav HaGaon Yitzchak Isaac Liebes, author of the renowned work, "Bais Uvi".

The shul offers daily minyanim and shiurim, as well as chaburos, and features a newly expanded and updated beis medrash.  The Bernard Loheit Memorial Library, donated by Reuven Loheit, has added hundreds of new volumes available for study.

Bais Uvi Greiding is an elementary school under the auspices of HaRav Meshulem YY Halberstam, Dayan of Mosdos Sha'arei Zion.  It has recently outgrown its original home, and has moved into its own building.

The shul is a member of the Jewish Community Council of Marine Park (, and is actively involved in community service projects in the neighborhood and worldwide.  Under Rabbi Chaim Halberstam's guidance, the shul continues to be a beacon of Torah and Chessed for the entire community.
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